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Healing Hearts

Here at Healing Hearts, we aim to raise awareness on mental illness, specifically depression. According to the World Health Organization, it is defined as a common mental disorder that involves a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long periods of time. Studies have shown less than 10% of adults in the US suffer from depression in some form. One major form being suicide. Society has looked down upon mental health such as depression which makes it hard for people to disclose their feelings due to ridicule and embarrassment. We want to shine light on the natural ways one can go about treating depression naturally and help solve or reduce the amount of suffering with this mental illness in all its degrees.

Family & Friends Section

Families play an important role in understanding there responsbilities towards the people suffering from depression in their lives. Serving as an outlet of support and comfort, friends and family need to educate themselves on the different methods that can be used to assist in the recovery process on the depressed. Ignoring someone is just as bad as teasing and ridiculing them. We need not be embarresed or ashamed by them and uplift. Undrestanding that we could potentially be a contributor to this depression unkowingly, causing more harm than good.

Information on Depression

Depressive disorder (commonly known as depression) is a common mental disorder that involves a depressed mood or loss of pleasure or interest in activities for long periods of time. It is different from regular mood changes and feelings about everyday life. It can affect all aspects of life, which can result to problems at school and work.Depression can happen to anyone, such as people who lived through abuse, several losses, or other stressful events, that can go through it.

Patterns of depressive episodes:

  • Single episode depressive disorder, meaning the person's first and only episode.
  • Recurrent depressive disorder, meaning the person has a history of at least two depressive episodes.
  • Bipolar disorder, meaning that depressive episodes alternate with periods of manic symptoms, which increased activity or energy, and other symptoms such as increase talkativeness, racing thoughts, increased self-esteem, decreased need for sleep, distractability, and implusive reckless behavior.
Signs & Symptoms

Treatment & Support

Depression can be treated in numerous way that do not have to do with pharmaceutical companies and prescription drugs. Your health is important and avoiding medication that can alter your body chemistry is essential for many in perserving your body and mind in the recovery process. Some natural treatment and support for depression include regular exercise, healthy diet, adequate sleep, limit alcohol and caffeine as well as taking herbal supplements. Therapy is another great method for combating depression if one is fully open and dedicated to it.

Types of treatments & support:

  • Exercises such as running, lifting weights, playing basketball, and other forms of fitness activities which get your heart pumping
  • Some foods that help to combat depression include foods high in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin D to name a few. Also omega-3 fatty acids, as well as proteins.
  • Drinking too much of anythng can be bad for you but in regards to alcohol and caffeine, these can make depression worse by exacerbating underlying mental illnesses such as depression.
Treatment & Support

Self-Help Tools & Strategies

Some of these strategies help to combat the symptoms of depression and can be used through out the day to day process of recovery and maintain this mindset. Strategies such as yoga, challenge negative thoughts, socialize and connect, as well as mindfulness and meditation. Some other forms of self-help tools and strategies are different forms of therapy one can carry out at home such as pet therapy, laugh therapy cognitive behavioral therapy, and art and music therapy.

Tools & strategies that can be used:

  • When you preform yoga you can increase the levels of gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA). This is a neurotransmitter in the brain that causes anti-depressant and anxiolytic effects.
  • Studies have shown when you surround yourself with others, it can ease the pain of depression. Being apart of groups or clubs puts individuals at lower risk for depression.
  • Many forms of therapy can help with depression if one is willing to open up and let go so to speak about their depression. When you take the time to express your feelings to someone who may have had similar experiences and or understands, can take a load off of your shoulders and normalize what you are experiencing.
Self-Help Tools & Strategies

Link to more resources